Saturday, October 6, 2007

Travesty! Where is the rice?

We woke up around 8am and had toast for breakfast again. The morning was rather slow and uneventful. Suzukoobachan chatted with Mom for a couple hours before she dropped us off at Obaachan's. Mom and Hitoshiojichan set out to fetch lunch on his motorcycle, which she informed me was surprisingly not scary.

While Mom and Hitoshiojichan were out getting lunch, I showed Obaachan pictures on my laptop and again had to go through my broken Japanese phrases and pantomimes. She had a lot to say about the pictures, but unfortunately I could understand very little.

They brought back katsudon, which was pretty good, except it did not come with rice. This caused a little bit of consternation and amused bewilderment amongst Mom and the rest. "Where is the rice? It didn't come with rice? What kind of place sells katsudon without rice?" Hitoshiojichan brought out some tiny grapes that were about half a month too old and shriveled. They ended up being the most delicious grapes I have ever eaten-- they tasted sweeter than candy and had a pleasant gummy texture. Unfortunately, we were informed that they are now out of season.

The afternoon was spent chatting over tea and riceless katsudon leftovers. Suzukoobachan came at 5:30 to pick us up. She cooked a delicious dinner of pork fried with ginger, miso soup, shredded daikon, and gobo with carrots. Some figure skating competition was on, and it seemed the Japanese girls kept falling on their butts. It was pretty sad to watch, as one of the previous Olympic skaters totally wiped out just a few bars into her routine. After that point every time a skater went to jump we'd hold our breath just a little bit.

Again, I was exhausted today so I am going to crash pretty early.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hope your trip has been interesting. Thanks for sending me the link to your blog. I've been keeping busy. If you saw my last email, you can see that my days are flying by, but I do miss you. Keep in touch!